
Black Diasporer


On my first trip to Brazil in 2011, I remember excitedly Skyping my mother to tell her about my visit to the Afro-Brazilian Museum in São Paulo. Before I could get into my story, she unexpectedly Interrupted me. I will never forget her questions: There are blacks in Brazil? But are they real black people? Is their hair like ours? Often in my travels outside of the US, black people from the places I visit tell me that I am the first black American they’ve ever met. Similar to my mother’s confusion, some are even surprised to learn that there are black people in the US at all.

Such disconnect is understandable given the low rates at which black people travel internationally. Comparatively, black Americans seldom venture outside the US and when we do, it’s usually to resorts and tourist traps where genuine connection and interaction with local culture is limited.

For me, the most disheartening part of this reality is knowing how it is tied to the enslavement of our people. It is widely known that as a tactic of control, the perpetrators of slavery attempted to destroy our culture, language and ties to one another.

With that realization, Black Diasporer is an attempt to push back against the lingering effects of that history and forge present-day connections between black peoples across the diaspora. This blog is about discovery, resistance, and shifting narratives. It is a personal journey that I am feel compelled to share with all of you. Welcome!